September 1, 2013

September 1, 2013 Day 102  Lower Bay of Fundy
Killam Brothers Marina
Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada

Happy Labor Day weekend to everyone.  They do celebrate it in Canada also. This is another day in port.  We woke to a windy, overcast day and by 0800 it was thundering so that made the decision easy.  We will continue to take this day by day.

Since we had extra time, we had a large breakfast of scrambled eggs, sausage, and the wonderful cinnamon bread we bought at the Farmers Market. It was the perfect bread to toast! 

Bill continues to research the coast of Maine and borrowed a cruising guide from Outbound that we did not have.  So, he continues the chartplotting also. Joyce got some more boat chores done.  We have water, 50 amp power, and good wifi here, so we take advantage of all of these.  We can’t take them for granted!

This afternoon, Joyce had an opportunity to go to a Walmart – most of the towns we have been in either don’t have one or else it is too far away. However, she had transportation to the store and took advantage of stocking up on supplies. 

Dinner was nice – Joyce fixed a lobster, shrimp, and crab casserole that we really enjoyed! Shortly after dinner, the guys got together and decided we have enough of a weather window in the morning that we could leave. We know we will have fog but should not have much wind most of the day. We will go to Grand Manan Island on the Bay of Fundy, in the province of New Brunswick.  We will probably not have wifi.

If we are fortunate, we will leave there Tuesday and re-enter the US at either Bar Harbor or Cutler, Maine.

Today was a bittersweet day as our son-in-law, an Army Chaplain, deployed to the Middle East this morning. We are so proud of him and have the greatest admiration for him. It is still hard to accept his absence. We know our daughter will take care of their four children, the pets, and their home admirably while he is gone for several months.  She is quite amazing!