July 30, 2015

July 30, 2015  Day 40  New York Summer 2015
At anchor
Clayton, NY

One of many wooden boats arriving
 to be on display this weekend

Dad and kids out having fun today!
Setting sun at anchor

The moon is huge tonight!
Today was a busy day and we did not go far! We helped our Looper friends with their lines and said goodbye at 0730.  Then we did some cleaning and then prepared to leave. We left the Clayton City dock about 9:45 and went to another marina to get the holding tank emptied – only to find out their equipment was not working. So, we went across the harbor to anchor.

About an hour or two later we realized we did not have a good hold and were drifting.  So, we had to pull the anchor and move to another spot and put out more chain.  That worked for about 6 hours, then we started to drift.  So, we moved again.  This was a very windy day and
it was causing problems for us and other nearby sailboats. The bottom is also covered with grass and we pulled tons of it up with the anchor each time we moved.  It takes a while to pull it off with the boat hook!  Finally at 6pm we moved closer to the houses across the harbor. The wind has died down and we are hopefully set for the night.

We cooked dinner on the grill and hope to have a peaceful night.

Tomorrow we plan to take the dinghy to shore and see some of the boat show.