August 16, 2015

August 15-16, 2015  Days 56-57 New York Summer 2015
Waterford Harbor Visitors Center
Waterford, NY

This is our last night in Waterford as we plan to move on to Albany in the morning. We had a fun day today with a visit from Looper friends Rick and Margi.  They were in New York visiting family, and when they realized we were still in Waterford they drove over for a visit this morning. The Farmers Market was just getting underway when they arrived so Joyce and Margi browsed all the booths while Bill and Rick sat a nearby table catching up!  We picked up some baked goods and took them back to Carried Away and enjoyed the treats while we continued to visit.  We saw them in May but it seemed like much longer!  We will be in Florida with them this winter and look forward to that as well.

We had dinner on board, finished all the laundry and have spent the evening reading.  Joyce also had a phone call from Janet, another Looper friend tonight.  We hope to see Janet and Bob in November when we head south for the winter.  We cherish the friendships we have made through boating!