January 6, 2016

January 6, 2015  Day 45  South for the Winter 2015-16
Legacy Harbour Marina
Ft. Myers, FL

Another weekly update. We spent New Year’s Eve with Rick and Margi on their boat, enjoying food and games.  New Year’s Day was filled with college football and we were happy to see the Buckeyes win the Fiesta Bowl. 

We have continued our quest to work on boat projects, and Bill seems to inherit the difficult ones.  He was half submerged in a hatch in the forward cabin and managed to badly twist his neck.  After two days of using heat with no luck, we got him an appointment today with an orthopedic surgeon/specialist.  The diagnosis was a strain that will require 3-4 weeks to recover.  Hopefully the muscle relaxant meds will help!

Joyce joined a weekly Bible study this morning with other ladies at the marina. It is very good to be part of this group!

We will post again in another week! Thanks for checking on our boating life.